Duck season is just around the corner. The Waterfowl Wounding Loss Workshop will be at the San Angelo State Park this Saturday, October 11, 2014. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the workshop will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Hunters will learn shooting techniques to minimize the wounding and loss of birds.

Staff from TPWD Hunter’s Education Program will be teaching the class. There will be some classroom instruction on basic hunting, while the rest of the class will be conducted outdoors. So dress and be prepared for all adverse conditions pertaining to the outdoors.

Outdoor activities will consist of: Shooting and Shooting Techniques; Judging Distances (Subtending); and Shot Patterning.

All participants must provide their own shotgun(s), as well as their own matching gauge ammunition (steel shot only) that he/she will be using while hunting waterfowl.

Seating is limited to 20
Cost: No Charge
For more information or register for this workshop, contact: Kurt Kemp at or at 325-947-2687.

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