Considering all the tensions and fallout that surrounded 'The Walking Dead' season 4 when showrunner Glen Mazzara was announced to depart the monster AMC drama, replacement Scott Gimple has remained relatively quiet about his rise from writer to executive producer. Now, in advance of the big Comic-Con 2013 panel next week, Gimple has finally spoken up to preview his personal new spin on 'The Walking Dead' season 4.

Amid any fears and doubts about taking on his first showrunning gig, having written some of the most successful episodes of the series, including "Clear" and "Pretty Much Dead Already," Gimple spoke to The Hollywood Reporter on his intent to honor Mazzara and Frank Darabont before him, while still adding his own personal stamp on 'The Walking Dead.'

In particular, Gimple pointed out that series creator Robert Kirkman ventured more toward diverging from the story established in the original comics, while he himself had more mind to follow the books. Says Gimple:

Kirkman is more about departures from the comics than I have been in the past. His approach is more like, "Oh it's all good, we've seen that in the comic. We can mix it up." I've been more hardcore about keeping true to the exact story of the comic. Kirkman wound up loosening me up a little more about it, as far playing with different things going in different directions.

To tell you the truth, at this point with where the story is, anybody who's a big fan of the comic would see that we have to. It's funny, in some ways the things that divert from the comic this year have actually served being closer to the comic in some way. There's going to be some looping around to the comic and remixing. That's how I essentially look at it: It's a remix of the comic.

Recent set photos of actor Andrew Lincoln in character as Rick Grimes have stirred rumors that 'The Walking Dead' season 4 will finally incorporate a landmark moment from the books wherein The Governor (David Morrissey) severed Rick's right hand, though Gimple hedged to answer THR's question about potentially featuring the brutal incident. The showrunner pointed out that AMC's Governor ended up a very different character than the books, while the presence of original characters like Daryl Dixon creates a ripple effect of altering book storylines, however they might end up represented in spirit.

While we wait for season 4, the next run of ‘The Walking Dead’ will introduce ‘The Wire’ star Lawrence Gilliard, Jr. as haunted Army medic Bob Stookey, while actors Chad Coleman, Sonequa Martin-Green and Emily Kinney have all been upgraded to series regulars.

Gimple will be present at 'The Walking Dead' season 4 Comic-Con panel next week to show off the latest from the series, but what say you? Are you confident 'The Walking Dead' will keep up the quality of season 3 with a new showrunner in charge, or has the AMC drama passed the point of no return?

Watch the latest production video below, and give us your predictions for 'The Walking Dead' season 4 in the comments!

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