Hundreds of books, magazines and other printed materials, most for a dollar or less, will be available to the public during the annual book sale of the Friends of the Porter Henderson Library and West Texas Collection this Thursday through Saturday.
The sale will open with a Thursday evening preview from 4-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of College Hills Baptist Church, 2102 Johnson St.  Cost of the preview is $5 per person.

Admission will be free when the sale resumes Friday is from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. and concludes Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon.

A variety of fiction and nonfiction books will be available.  Additionally, various educational materials, including children’s books, will be on sale.  Most items will be priced at $1 for hardbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks in a variety of categories, including history, biography, sports, nature, crafts and self-help, as well as fiction genres such as mystery, thriller and romance.  Texana, genealogy and rare books will be individually priced.

The Friends of the Porter Henderson Library and West Texas Collection is a support organization dedicated to enhancing the library and archival resources available to the Angelo State University community.  All proceeds from the sale will go to benefit the collections and programs of the ASU Porter Henderson Library and West Texas Collection.  Past proceeds have purchased library supplies and equipment and have supported the association’s annual meeting and the campus-wide Veterans Vigil.  The Friends group also sponsors multiple student scholarships.

For more information or to donate materials, call the West Texas Collection at 325-942-2164.

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