The Tres Spieker Speaker Benefit will be this Saturday, Sept. 27th at the Fiesta Arena near the Coliseum.
Enjoy a barbeque dinner for $10.00 per person, raffles, silent auction, a live auction featuring at 1998 Mustang, guns, and many other items.

Raffle tickets are $5.00 each or 5 tickets for $20.00.
1st Prize is an 8x10 foot BBQ Trailer with firebox & smoker
2nd Prize is a 42" JVC3D LED-HDTV
3rd Prize is an Academy Gift Card

Private donations can be made at the Bank of San Angelo to the Tres Spieker Foundation.

Advance meal tickets are available at the San Angelo Association of Realtors at 1902 Pecos, Dierschke & Dierschke at 5026 Knickerbocker, or call 234-1781 for more information.

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