The Berenstain Bears. These three little words elicit all those warm, fuzzy childhood memories of a very small me, cuddling with my mom, reading these books. Now we have the chance to see this wonderfully funny world brought to life!Nearly 20 years later, I am so excited to go see the Berenstain Bears LIVE! Musical Friday, October 17th. I cannot wait, actually. The books were the best. I mean, the show was awesome, but the books are always better. I have no kids now, but now as I get older, I realize how much of a difference the books made in my childhood. I cannot wait to read my future kids these books, or take them to see the musical!!

Here are my Top 5 favorites:

1. The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist

2. The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed

3. The Berenstain Bears and The Bad Dream

4. The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Habit

5. The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd

I'm pretty sure I conquered some definite fears because of these books. If you haven't had a chance to read these or if you have babies of your own, read them these!

If you want to come see the Berentain Bears LIVE! Musical here in San Angelo, you can buy tickets HERE.

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